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Whole Profile Methods

Examples of how to use Utilities.Profile whole profile methods.

Whole Profile Examples

ASCOM WHole Profile Examples
Public Class WholeProfileExamples
    Sub Example()
        'Retrieve the whole profile as an ASCOMProfile class
        Dim ProfileContents As ASCOM.Utilities.ASCOMProfile
        Dim Prof As ASCOM.Utilities.Profile
        Dim Msg As String = "", Value As String

        Const MY_SCOPE As String = "ScopeSim.Telescope"

        'Create a profile object and set its device type
        Prof = New ASCOM.Utilities.Profile
        Prof.DeviceType = "Telescope"

        'Retrieve the whole profile in one go
        ProfileContents = Prof.GetProfile(MY_SCOPE)

        'Extract every value in every subkey
        For Each SubKey As String In ProfileContents.ProfileValues.Keys
            Msg = Msg + "Subkey: " & SubKey & vbCrLf
            For Each ValueName As String In ProfileContents.ProfileValues.Item(SubKey).Keys
                Value = ProfileContents.ProfileValues.Item(SubKey).Item(ValueName) 'Can also be written as: Value = ProfileContents.ProfileValues(SubKey)(ValueName)
                Msg = Msg + "  Value: """ & ValueName & """ = """ & Value & """" & vbCrLf
        MsgBox("The ScopeSim profile is: " & vbCrLf & Msg)

        'Extract a single value e.g.the default value of the profile root
        Msg = ProfileContents.GetValue("", "")
        MsgBox("The Scope Simulator's default value is: " & Msg)

        'Extract a single value e.g.the CanPulseGuide value of the Capabilities subkey
        Msg = ProfileContents.GetValue("CanPulseGuide", "Capabilities")
        MsgBox("The Scope Simulator'CanPulseGuide value is: " & Msg)

        'Set two single values in the class
        ProfileContents.SetValue("", "Telescope Simulator", "")
        ProfileContents.SetValue("CanPulseGuide", "False", "Capabilities")

        'Write the modified values back to the Profile store using Profile.SetProfile
        Prof.SetProfile(MY_SCOPE, ProfileContents)
    End Sub

    Sub ExampleXML()
        'Retrieve the whole profile as an XML string
        Dim ProfileContentsXML As String
        Dim Prof As ASCOM.Utilities.Profile
        Dim Msg As String = ""
        Const MY_SCOPE As String = "ScopeSim.Telescope"

        Prof = New ASCOM.Utilities.Profile 'Create a profile object and set its device type
        Prof.DeviceType = "Telescope"
        ProfileContentsXML = Prof.GetProfileXML(MY_SCOPE) 'Retrieve the whole profile in one go
        MsgBox("The ScopeSim profile in XML is: " & vbCrLf & ProfileContentsXML)

        'You can parse and manipulate the XML in any way you wish at this point and then write an updated version back with:
        Prof.SetProfileXML(MY_SCOPE, ProfileContentsXML)
    End Sub
End Class